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The Whole Person Foundation, inc Transforming the lives of our youth and vulnerable

Water Project 2022
Thursday, July 7, 2022

The global water sanitation and hygiene statistics show that 79% of Nigerians experience the challenge of water scarcity. In 2015, around 60 million people lacked access to “at least basic” water and approximately 122 million people lacked access to “at least basic” sanitation.

TWPF is committed to providing portable water to ten communities within the next six months to mitigate the effects of inadequate access to basic water and basic sanitation. TWPF will work with communities to establish portable water with an adequate underground source, simple feasible technology, and ease of sustainability to ensure that these communities continue to have safe drinking water long after the project is completed.

It costs $2000 to establish portable water in a community of 5000-7500 people and TWPF aims to assist 10 communities through this mission. Please donate & help TWPF reach this goal.


What is my life’s most urgent question? Am I just passing by? Does my life have purpose? Is there a reason I am here?